Tuesday, December 23, 2008

yes...i'm overdue

so we are officially overdue, fun fun. at my appointment today they told me they would induce me if the baby isn't born by Monday.

I am not afraid to be induced or anything but would prefer to go on my own as i really want to deliver at the Hospital i had planned to. Since it's Christmas time though there won't be a surgeon in and they won't induce you without a surgeon being there in case they need to do a c-section. (i don't know why it is different than going in normally becuase you could still need an emergency c-section but whatever) so pray that i will go in before Monday!!!!!

At least there is an end in site now..... lol

By the way Merry Christmas!! i can hardly believe tomorrow is already Christmas Eve!!!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Praying that the little one will come out before then!!! Merry Christmas!