Friday, October 08, 2010

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. We've been pretty busy. We started the process of looking for a house to buy a few months ago, found a place just over a month ago and are closing on it in a week so we've been pretty busy with paperwork, packing and everything else that happens when you move.

Aurora is getting big. She talks constantly (although that isn't new the words she uses are) She is saying full sentences and surprises me every day with new words. She's so funny. Teaching her patience and not to be selfish is definitely a full time job. Whatever moron said that kids don't have a sin nature was obviously not a parent!! :) I've been reading Shepherding a Child's Heart and The Ministry of  Motherhood which has changed a lot of my views of parenting (in a good way) and am enjoying the ride, i see so much of my self in my little girl (stubborn, selfish, willful etc lol). But she is adorable and funny and sweet too. She helps me clean up now she says "help you" and puts the leaves into the bag or the toys away or tries to hold the rake. So it's definitely a lot of of fun.

Caleb is back to mostly normal shifts now which is really nice. Those 12 hour shifts were not too fun.

Aurora and I are helping with toddlers/preschool at NTM twice a week which is fun too. 

Well that is the quick update on our lives. Hopefully i'll get more regular with this again as soon as life settles down again


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